
Guideline of the Approach

In order to create common value based on our company, society, and the environment, as described in "Creating Common Value for the Future", we focus on the following factors.

We focus on our activity areas

As the message from the CEO suggests, making a temporary donation to an element that is not at all relevant to your business does not encourage sustainable growth of stakeholders, including your company. To prevent such a situation, the CSR activities themselves must first be related to the company's core business, and the other party must also be related to the company's operations and areas of activity. there is. For activities related to the business, the other party gains profits as a result of the activities, so that the company also has the opportunity to grow, and thus can provide further support to the other party on a sustainable basis. Therefore, we will focus our attention on the society and environment in the regions where we operate (Hiroshima, Osaka, Tokyo, Shanghai, Jiangyin, Phnom Penh) and formulate CSR activities.

We explore partnership opportunities

Collective action through partnerships has enormous implications for delivering greater sustainable benefits to stakeholders. There are some things that can be done by a single company, but especially in small and medium-sized companies, the scale of what can be done is limited, and one company cannot do large-scale activities. No matter how effective your plan of action is, as with creating an oasis in the desert, it will end up being an unsustainable transient because of its small size. In order to prevent this and achieve sustainable growth and improvement, it is necessary to expand the scale of activities and make major movements through partnerships with external organizations. With that in mind, we will always look for partnership opportunities in the region or area of ​​activity.

We have a long-term vision

In order to generate sustainable growth and profits, long-term vision as well as scale are important. No matter how good a plan is, a plan based on a short-term view, such as one or two years, can be difficult to achieve sustainable growth. Therefore, we strive to have a long-term view as one of the basic policies of CSR activities.

We evaluate and measure performance regularly

No matter how noble your goals are, you have to make a difference if it doesn't really work and benefit your stakeholders, including your company. If you do not regularly evaluate and measure the results of such activities that cannot be created without awareness, the lights of the activities may go out. Therefore, we work to measure our CSR activities as numerically as possible.
Meikodo Co., Ltd.
4-1-36, Osu, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima, Japan